Thursday, November 8, 2012

12. Krusty Gets Busted

Episode Title: "Krusty Gets Busted"
Episode Number: 12
Original Air Date: April 29, 1990

Plot Synopsis: Homer is sad that he has to watch Patty and Selma's awful vacation slideshow, but also happy because Marge makes him go to the Kwik-E-Mart to pick up ice cream. That happiness is shattered, however, when Krusty the Clown robs the Kwik-E-Mart while Homer is there. As the security camera footage clearly shows an armed Krusty sticking up Apu (and Homer bravely diving for cover behind a shelving unit of chips), Krusty is soon arrested and put on trial.

Bart, who looks up to Krusty as a comedy god, is crushed by the news. This sadness is compounded by the fact that, as one of the key witnesses of the crime, Homer has to testify against Krusty in court. As the whole town quickly hops on the "Krusty is guilty" bandwagon, Bart still can't believe his favorite entertainer would do such a thing. Krusty's show is quickly replaced by "Sideshow Bob's Cavalcade of Whimsy." Krusty's former sidekick is now the new host of his show.

Bart is so convinced that Krusty couldn't possibly have committed such a heinous crime that he gets Lisa to help him look for clues. While at the Kwik-E-Mart, they discover that Krusty couldn't possibly have used the microwave that he's seen using in the security camera footage due to his pacemaker. He also couldn't have been reading from the magazine rack as the security camera footage shows due to his crippling illiteracy.

Bart and Lisa go to Sideshow Bob for help, as Sideshow Bob would likely be in a position to identify anyone who would be out to get Krusty. During a live taping of the show, Bart figures it out - the robber in the security camera footage had giant clown feet, and Krusty actually has smaller people-sized feet and just wears larger shoes. Ergo, Sideshow Bob frames Krusty. Krusty's name is cleared and Sideshow Bob is taken away by the police.

Overall Thoughts: This episode is way better than I even remembered it. In past years I'd always kind of referred to it as "a really good season one episode." Now, I think I'd like to change that to "this is just a really good episode." It's funny, it's compelling, it's fast - and it's probably the first time that I've been able to say that I honestly see the long term potential of this show. Don't get me wrong - there are some decent episodes in season one. But they don't quite compare to how successful this particular episode is at, well, everything it attempts to do.

What Works: It's funny, and secondary characters are really starting to have standout moments. After Homer dives behind a display shelf during the "Krusty" robbery of the Kwik-E-Mart, Apu deadpans "You can emerge now from my chips. The opportunity to prove yourself a hero is long gone."  

The episode is much, much quicker than the ones that have come before it. I'd still hesitate to call it a "joke machine," but the story itself moves along at a really brisk and satisfying pace. For the first time, there really isn't a wasted moment.

Surprisingly, the episode is also a legitimate mystery - sort of. Though Krusty does plead innocence to the crime, which is what sets the rest of the episode in motion, that moment comes about halfway through the episode. Everything before that is sort of an examination of what it means to a child to lose a hero. Speaking of that, this episode quite successfully tells a relatively serious personal story, too. Bart is crushed that his hero, Krusty the Clown, might be a criminal. Homer knows that being a key witness in Krusty's trial will break Bart's heart, but reluctantly does it anyway.

This episode was directed by the great Brad Bird, who deserves a lot of credit for its energy, but the script is great, too. Sideshow Bob's children's show turning into a mix between Geraldo Rivera and something you'd find on PBS isn't just funny - it's intelligent. This episode may not be the first to show how smart the series is and will become, but it's definitely the most consistent and successful example so far.

What Doesn't Work: Not a whole lot, to be honest. As evidenced by the picture above, seeing Krusty out of makeup is a weird and ultimately unsuccessful choice - especially since he looks so much like Homer. I know that Krusty was originally designed to turn out to BE Homer, but still. The animation is rough by modern standards, but it's still an improvement over the lion's share of season one. Honestly, everything I just wrote? It's all kind of reaching. It's difficult to find something not to like here.

Closing Thoughts: The reveal that Sideshow Bob was voiced by Kelsey Grammer must have been awesome at the time. It's such a great joke.

I've also always really liked the long, storied history of Krusty's show. It really seems like he's been on the air for about forty years, even as early as in this episode.

I wouldn't place "Krusty Gets Busted" in my top ten, but that's only because I know there are ten even better episodes coming up relatively shortly. This isn't just a good episode of "The Simpsons" for season one. This is a good episode, period, and is an almost shocking improvement over everything that came before it.

Final Grade (out of 10): 9

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