Monday, October 22, 2012

1. Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire

Episode Title: "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire"
Episode Number: 1
Original Air Date: December 17, 1989

Plot Synopsis: It's Christmastime in Springfield and the Simpsons are having money problems. Homer is worried that he won't be able to afford presents for the rest of the family because Mr. Burns has decided not to hand out Christmas bonuses, which is something he can't tell Marge because he doesn't want to worry anyone. Marge has to use the "big jar" of money she's been saving all year for elective surgery after Bart decides to get a tattoo. To try to make up the difference, Homer secretly gets a job as a Santa in a shopping mall, which goes about as well as you'd expect. In the end, Homer and Bart end up picking a new family member down at the track - an old greyhound named "Santa's Little Helper," who also ends up being the best Christmas present at all.

Overall Thoughts: One thing that's kind of surprising is that the show isn't yet the "joke machine" that it would become. Likely because the writing staff is still feeling their way through the process of creating a weekly show, the pace takes its time. There isn't a joke every few seconds like there are on newer episodes, and that's okay. It gives it time to be a really heartwarming episode of a dad just trying to do the right thing for his family. "Heart" has always been one of "The Simpsons" strong points, and this episode has it in spades.

What Works: For the most part, the characters and relationships are pretty close to perfect from the very beginning. Homer describes himself as a "big kid" at one point, which I actually think is pretty spot on. The problem with the later run of the series was that he turned into a "big idiot," which is similar, yet different. Bart is already the little troublemaker. Lisa is his know-it-all but good intentioned little sister. You can see the core relationships and characterizations already, which is pretty surprising considering this is the first episode. The episode also introduces one of my favorite elements of Homer's personality - his willingness to break the law and/or ruin someone's day just to make his family happy, as evidenced by cutting down a tree from someone's property to use in the house for Christmas.

Everything is also, for the most part, very grounded. There are a few wacky cartoon sight gags, like the giant lazer used to remove Bart's tattoo, but a lot of this could work in live action. Which is I think part of it's initial charm.

Some of the secondary characters are presented in very weird ways (Ralph being a normal kid, Mr. Burns as just a regular old guy instead of an impossibly old guy, etc.) It even seems like they were setting Flanders up to be Homer's rival because of Homer's jealousy, rather than because Flanders just sucks.

What Doesn't Work: If the episode has any failings, its the voice work and the animation itself. Both are pretty weird and rough at this point, but understandably so because this IS the first episode, after all. Homer sounds mostly like Homer, but not quite. Same goes for nearly all secondary characters, like Skinner and Flanders. It's also likely affected by how slowly everyone talks, as again - this episode isn't exactly fast paced. But these aren't complaints. Being essentially a pilot, it's still pretty shocking that this episode is as good as it is.

Closing Thoughts: It's not the funniest episode in the show's history, or the best looking, or the most heartwarming, but considering the fact that it was the first prime-time animated series in America in a few decades, it's still really surprising this episode is this good. Because it isn't steeped in pop culture like the series would later become, it's also pretty timeless. I don't know if I would have watched this when it aired and thought "I can't wait to watch this show for the next quarter century," but I do know that I would have thought "I can't wait to watch this show next week."

Final Grade (out of 10): 8

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